Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Happiest Day of My Life

day, May 22, 2010 Kyle Gailey and I were married for all time and eternity in the Los Angeles Temple by his sweet Gramps! It was the most wonderful, magical day of my life. Everything about that day was so beautiful. The weather turned out to be perfect (it was gloomy a few days before..), everyone was happy, the sealing was absolutely gorgeous and so perfect for us, Wendy, Kyle's sister took amazing pictures throughout the day, the reception was amazing, and...everything was just so perfect! Nothing I say can truely do justice to how amazing this day was.

Thank you to my wonderful parents who paid for everything. It was more perfect than I ever imagined it would be. I truly felt so special. I have been looking forward to that day since I was a little was way better than even MY imagination could conjure up what it would be! :) It was the best day of my life. Thank you for all you have done for me. Thank you for everything. I love you.

ank you to Kyle's parents for all that you have done. Our apartment would look kinda empty if you hadn't brought some of our stuff up, and we would be sleeping on a mattress and our boxes would be our dresser.

Thank you everyone who gave us all of our amazing things! Our apartment looks amazing and it couldn't be possible without everything that was given to us. We have been more blessed than we ever thought we would. We cherish everything that was given to us and everything we got we are using! Our home looks like a home :) Thank you everyone!

*My beautiful family, the Griffins*

*My amazing parents*

*My fabulous siblings*

*My sweet and adorable Nana*

*Kyle's awesome Family*

*Kyle's fabulous parents*

*Kyle's adorable and outstanding grandparents*

*walking to start our picture adventures*

*My gorgeous, knock outs of sisters, Lisa De Mayo and Michelle Biehn who were my maids of honor*

*Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. -Abraham Lincoln*

*Kyle, my hot husband, and his handsome, way cool brothers who were his groomsmen*

*A day without laughter is a day wasted.-Charlie Chaplin *

*The whole amazing wedding party*

*silly silly but oh so funny*

*Lets get down to business*

*The breathtaking temple grounds*

*The gorgeous rings*

*love it*

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